Jan Stadler Library
The Stadler-Trier Foundation Library was founded in Prague in 2021 as a legacy of its founder Jan Stadler (1922-2019). The foundations of the foundation are publications and music recordings that Jan Stadler collected during his lifetime. Musicological and philosophical literature, music and music recordings on various media (CD, DVD, LP records) are available. All of them are stored at the foundation's headquarters in the palace of Hrzánů z Harasov at Celetná Street No. 12. The library is intended for the professional and artistic public with a special focus on young concert artists. Full operation for the wider public is planned after the reconstruction of the premises on the first floor of the Hrzánské palace.
The library cooperates with the Verbis library program, through which the first 1,200 library items were electronically registered and catalogued in 2021-2022. Cooperation with the National Library has been established, and preparations are underway to enter records into the Comprehensive Catalog of the Czech Republic and the knihovny.cz portal.
The library is a member of the Union of Librarians and Information Workers (SKIP) and the International Association of Music Libraries, Museums and Information Centers (IAML). It is registered by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic as a public library with a specialized collection.
The library catalogue is available at https://stadler.kpsys.cz.
Opening hours for the public
The library can only be visited by prior arrangement on Thursdays between 1pm and 6pm. Please make an appointment by e-mail with librarian Noemi Guerrero (noemi@stadler-foundation.ch). The library is closed on public holidays. Opening hours are limited during the Christmas and summer holidays.
PhDr. Jana Vozkova
Noemi Guerrero
The Stadler-Trier Foundation Library was established in Prague in 2021 as a legacy of its founder Jan Stadler (1922-2019). The foundation is based on the publications and musical recordings that Jan Stadler collected during his lifetime. There is musicological and philosophical literature, music books and recordings of music on various media (CDs, DVDs, LP records). Everything is stored in the headquarters of the Foundation in the Palace of the Hrzáns of Harasov in Celetná Street No. 12. The library is intended for the professional and artistic public, with a special focus on young concert artists. Full-fledged operation for the wider public is planned after the reconstruction of the premises on the first floor of the Hrzánský Palace (which will take place in 2024).
The library works with the Verbis library programme, through which over 4,000 library items were electronically catalogued during 2021-2023. Cooperation with the National Library has been established, and cataloguing records are sent to the Comprehensive Catalogue of the Czech Republic and to the knihovny.cz portal.
The Jan Stadler Library is a member of the Union of Librarians and Information Workers (SKIP) and the International Association of Music Libraries, Museums and Information Centres (IAML). It is registered by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic as a public library with a specialized collection
Contact: library@stadler-foundation.ch
Jana Vozková, librarian: jana@stadler-foundation.ch